This 40-hour course fulfills the educational requirement for the 6-20 Company/Independent All-Lines adjuster license and is also the first step toward a 3-20 Public Adjuster license. It is a Florida-approved designation course, which functions like a pre-licensing course (you must take it before getting your license). Waives State exam for the 6-20!

Become a licensed Accredited Claims Adjuster without losing production income and time.

  • 40 hour state-approved course are
  • Entirely online including the course final exam.
  • Instructor is available by email or telephone.
  • Waives the State exam for the 6-20 license.

Course Provider: OnLine Training Institute, in partnership with a Florida college
FLDFS Provider #: 366468
Course Approval #: 98773

M. Shattuck 01/27/2025

The organization of the material made sense and flowed well from one topic to another.

G. House 01/17/2025

This course allows you to go at your own pace within a 90 days time period.

L. Ravelo 01/11/2025

Having the course online was a big plus. Even though it may take three (3) months to complete the initial course,

K. Kassi 12/25/2024

The study guides and end of course tests are very helpful.

D. Bouvier 12/23/2024

I like that I can go back over the questions that you missed.

Showing 1 to 5 of 51 (11 Pages)

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40 hr 6-20 -All Lines Accredited Claims Adjuster Designation Online Course (INS013FL40)

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Tags: Florida, 6-20, 31-20, 3-20, Accredited Claims Adjuster, Claims Adjuster Course, All-Lines Adjuster, 6-20 Accredited Designation, Insurance Career, Online Learning, Property Insurance, Auto Insurance, Health Insurance